Sunday, October 30, 2005

What is it?

During a recent outing to Canons Ashby we came across this plant in the gardens. Can anyone tell me what it is please, as I have been unable to identify it.

This is one of the seed pods that I picked up off the ground.
No prizes, but any help would be much appreciated.
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Poppa Crispin said...

Could be a Lychee ????

Poppa Crispin said...

Ahh, change of mind. I think it is a rambutan - Nephelium lappaceum. It has a common name of Hairy Lychee.

Oh and may I congratulate you for your blog. The pictures are impressive. BUT can you separate the months so the pages load quicker? Just a thought. I do not keep my visited pages in cache because I like to have them deleted when I close my browser. This means having to reload all images on webpages when revisited.

Unknown said...

Many thanks for your help, I do believe that your second suggestion could be right. Unfortunately, my wife disposed of the evidence before I got around to cutting it open.
Point taken on loading times. I have reduced the main page to the last 7 posts, and may look at reducing the image sizes in future to see if this also helps. All the pictures, and more, are usually available on where they can be viewed at original size if you want