Thursday, November 10, 2005

Battersea Park

A recent trip to London was supposed to take us to the Tate Britain Gallery, but we found parking anywhere close by to be quite impossible, and so we finished up in Battersea Park. On reflection it was probably a much more enjoyable option.

A statue by Henry Moore of Three Standing Figures is close to one of the entrances in Prince of Wales Drive. I was most impressed that it seems to have escaped the attentions of any vandals.

The park runs alongside the Thames on its northern edge and offers ever changing views. Here we are looking towards Chelsea Bridge in the distance.

This is not a stray photo from China but the Peace Pagoda standing slightly incongruously alongside the river.

A British park would not be the same without a few grey squirrels, and Battersea has its fair share.

There are some wonderfully peaceful walks to be found. It is hard to imagine sometimes that you are in the middle of a large, noisy and overcrowded city.

Battersea Power Station (or what remains of it) overlooks the park from one side. It was good also to see that the locals schools made good use of the space for their sports. Posted by Picasa

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