Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Su Doku

A few months ago "The Times" newspaper started to publish a new type of puzzle. New that is for this country, as it has been around in Japan since the 1980's. I have to confess to having become somewhat addicted to it in a rather masochistic sort of way. It's not actually something which requires high intellect, which is why it probably suits me, but rather a logical approach and much concentration. It is one of those maddening puzzles that you may think you have solved until almost the end, when the truth dawns and you have to start all over again.

The Times classifies its puzzles from easy to fiendish with various stages in between. Strangely I sometimes seem to have most trouble with the easy ones, probably because you tend to go much more quickly and so make simple mistakes. Each puzzle has only one solution and can always be solved by logical progression and needs no mathematical skill. Guesswork is of no help at all.

The object is to fill a 9 x 9 grid with the numbers 1 to 9 so that every vertical column, every horizontal row and every 3 x 3 mini-box contains each of the digits 1 to 9.

If you feel inclined, you might like to try the following easy example, and then if you get the taste , try the link to the Times below.

Su Doku Posted by Hello

Su Doku - The Times Online

If you really get hooked, you can always enter The Times National Su Doku to be held in October. I think I shall pass on that one.

Tips: you will need a pencil and a rubber. I start at the top and enter every digit that can be contained in each cell. Eventually you can rub out the ones that you don't need. In the above example, the top left cell could only contain 1 or 6. I leave the rest to you.

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