The blog started around the same time that I made a complete break from full time working and was really an attempt to find something to do to fill in all the hours I now had at my disposal. Well, you may have noticed that the regularity of my postings has been falling off lately. This is because all those hours do not seem to be nearly so numerous now, and actually finding the time to spend at the keyboard is quite a problem. Partly this is due the arrival of better weather so that we can get out more, and the same fact means that the garden grows that much more quickly thus needing more of those elusive hours.
I also acquired a new camera which I have been slowly getting to grips with. Although I have been taking photographs now for more years than I care to remember, this new model has far more features than I have been blessed with before and so needs a great deal of going back to photographic basics to find out what they all mean. I have to admit to getting more failures than before, maybe because I now rarely confine myself to “Auto” mode. I have also joined in to one or two photo web sites which have been invaluable in help, advice and encouragement. Photography café is one I can heartily recommend.
All this has meant less time to prepare for posting here, but a recent walk locally resulted in these three pictures.

Burbage Woods 1

Burbage Woods 3

Burbage Woods 2

On the same walk we went to a local country fair just in time to catch the end of the morris dance routine. You may notice that photographers (if indeed I may refer to myself as one) are a bit like fishermen with their tales of "the one that got away".

Morris Dancers

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