Thursday, March 31, 2005


Is it spring or is it summer? In the northern hemisphere, the first day of the spring season is the day of the year when the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving northward (on March 20th or 21st). This day is known as the vernal equinox. Here in the UK British summer time started on March 27th, so does that make spring pretty short.
Anyway, last week-end, Easter Day in fact, we were unable to decide quite what the season was supposed to be and so we went off out for the day. I loaded my camera in the car in the expectation of getting some good pictures, but in fact it stayed in the car because it seems that it is still actually winter here. But without any snow or ice to make a picturesque view. It was grey and misty, but not atmospherically so, just enough to ruin any thoughts of half decent photography.
We went to Grimsthorpe Castle in Lincolnshire, a remarkable place, the outside of which was very much in keeping with the weather, grey and uninviting. Inside however was quite the opposite with the truly Vanbrugh Hall being one of the most remarkable spaces I think I have ever seen.
The castle is described as one of the countries hidden wonders, and I would have to agree with that. The staff were all very knowlegable and quite prepared to stand and talk with the visitors, making the visit so much more entertaining.

This posting is rather late after the event because every time I have tried to make it, Blogger has been unavailable. Hopefully this time. Strangely, I have managed to post through one or two pictures.

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