I had rather assumed that they were having a touch of professional pique, not appreciating the army of amateurs parading their skills and bringing a breath of fresh air to the happenings of the world around us. But I do get the feeling sometimes that blogs generally contain an awful lot of crap; some of it mine I might add.
One of the problems with the various blog surfing sites is that it seems that their main purpose is to get people to your blog. This can work quite well, but getting the numbers does not necessarily mean getting anything you write read. Traffic Racer is a case in point. Here you can surf remotely without the inconvenience of having to waste time reading, but what I have found is that even if you convert your automatic credits to manual credits, very few visits to my blog come from that source. It would seem therefore pointless, unless you are happy to have bloggers on auto pilot visiting you, but not reading.
What is the secret of a good blog? I wish I knew. Perhaps then I could write one. When I surf blogs I do try to read them, but there really is a lot of rubbish around, so maybe the Times has a point. However, having said that, I do believe it is great that there can be a medium that is available to all and in which you can indulge your passion.
My main passion these days is to try to record what is around me with photography. Just now I seem to be having a few problems getting to grips with it. I am not entirely sure if it my own lack of skill, lack of good enough equipment, or just a phase; I suspect the first. Looking for inspiration today, the best offering I can come up with is to resort to the cute factor, and so here is one of my daughter's cats looking suitably unimpressed.
